AppletViewer, a Java™ Applet Runner is included in Java™ Development Kit for Macintosh from Sun.
AppletViewer is a drag & drop application that parses .html (hypertext markup language) files and displays applets declared therein. You use it to view applets that you've developed, or if you don't have a web browser, to view applets at other sites.
This description was extracted from the documentation included in the Java Development Kit for Macintosh, available at <>
JAVA(tm) web development products are owned and licensed exclusively by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1992-97 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Java and all Java-based names and logos, including the Coffee Cup and Duke, are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and refer to Sun's Java Technologies.
You can view and test applets from PageSpinner when you create or edit applet parameters in the HTML file that are used to run the Applet.
Press the Command key when selecting the Applet Viewer in the Web Tools menu to make the Applet Viewer run the applet with the parameters specified in the frontmost HTML file.